The Extracurricular Being

There has been a great amount of encouragement from my friends, relatives and even critics to start a sub-blog about music.  Perhaps it's because they have always known music as my primary interest, having performed and researched it for most of my life.

But what really kept me from starting a music blog was the question of specialization.  

Okay, I will be writing about music, but what particular topic in the field music will I discuss?  

Obviously, music is such a very wide subject, and narrowing down my blog into a more specialized topic is indeed a challenge, not only because it is already as challenging as it could get but also because I am such a man with a rather very wide range of interests as far as the discipline of music is concerned.

Another challenge is how will I connect my interest in music to my advocacy in promoting the welfare of the differently educated people?  That sounded like a one-million-dollar question to me.

As far as music is concerned, I am only sure of three things: (1) music is one of the beautiful disciplines where people do not really care if you got a college degree; (2) I am not a big fan of "pop music" for I find it more "musical" to listen to other excellent yet underrecognized musicians out there; and (3) beyond melody and rhythm, I learned a lot of life's lessons through music.

Wait.  Looks like I just hit the jackpot!

Well, the local music community enjoys the relative educational equality that has always been evasive in the Philippine corporate world.  But that does not mean the local music community does not have problems.  A lot of dignified yet underrated musicians are struggling to break free from the cultural tyranny of overexposed ultra-mainstream entertainers.  And amid these apparently eternal love-hate relationship between the musical yin's and the yang's, an open listener will never fail to capture the priceless lessons music has to offer.

And as inspired by all the lessons music bestows to all open listeners, I am now creating my new sub-blog which I called "Music Lessons".

So there you go.  Hope you'd like my posts in my new sub-blog about music.